Let me start by saying my roommate moved out and I have today off... Writing and drinking tea is one of my favorite things. (I love beer more than tea, but caffeine makes mean and booze makes me nice... A terrible side effect and there's no beer here.)
When we work the compilation is usually an active duty member and three of us disgusting contractors. It's actually in the contract that we sign our souls over to become contractors. (I didn't have one so I sacrificed a baby on the alter of the almighty dollar... True story.) I was at work the other day and this is the conversation that followed...
Sgt: "Yeah, lots of guys in my unit have wives in med school."
Me: "How many?"
Sgt: "Four. I think they get bored bc we're gone all the time. So they have to have something to do."
He continues talking...
Now to make me so mad I feel a need to stand up for all women everywhere you have to go pretty far. I mean I don't even like most women... After the last election I wish we didn't have the right to vote. Honestly I would give up my right to vote if it meant that other bitches couldn't vote. "He's so cool." "He's so good looking." "I want my $9 birth control to be FREE!" "She has a vagina like me!!" Seriously... Read a book. Oh and no one is over turning Roe v. Wade either.
Me: "I'm sorry, but when you say med school do you mean like technical school to be a dental hygienist or a nursing assistant? Or do you mean like going to get there medical degree to practice medicine?"
Sgt: "No, I mean their medical degree."
Me: "And where are they going?"
Sgt: "One to Duke and three to UNC."
Me: "Sooo let me make sure I understand you. Your friends' wives are in med school and you think it's bc they finished all the laundry one day and decided they just needed a little more to do?"
Sgt: "Well, why else would so many wives be in med school."
Me: "holy fuckballs man! So because your wife is a dependopotamus you just assume that these women just missed hubby so much that they went to med school on a whim?! No one just wakes up and says hmmmm I'm bored and there's nothing on tv... I wonder if Duke med school has any openings?? Honestly wtf is wrong w you?!"
Now mind you I tend to black out when I get this angry and my rant lasted far longer than this that I've written. I'm also not actually sure of everything I said during this episode, but I know that was the gist of it.
Sgt: "I just mean it's weird. Guys, c'mon... Help me out here. You guys get what I'm saying right?!"
Coworker one: "HA! No way man. She's pissed I'm not saying anything."
Coworker two: "Nope, not doing it. Just stop talking."
And people wonder why I get so angry.
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