So far two people have responded to what i said but they're worthless so I'm going on the offensive.
Kathi M. Posted:
The ethics of calling in sick when you really are not is usually decided by the office culture. Some companies allocate “personal days” and state you have 7 sick days and 7 personal days, but they can be interchanged at will. In that case, it wouldn’t be a problem. Actually there wouldn’t be a reason for it. On the other hand, in civil service, we earn sick leave and personal time separately. It is unethical to call in sick when you’re not, but people do it all the time, feeling it is their time earned to use as they wish. However, when they have a serious illness or injury, they risk not having enough time available to use when needed. These people are also the ones you will see taking home office supplies. If you are doing telecommuting, it shouldn’t be a problem. People stocking their home offices with company supplies are definitely unethical.
Who is it hurting when someone flirts with an officer to get out of a speeding ticket? Is this hurting society at all? The officer? The woman (assuming it is a female driver)? No, this doesn’t seem to be unethical. Police officers joke about the best line they receive from speeders trying to get out of a ticket. My son is upset that his friend who is a police officer gives flirting girls off with a warning, because he thinks it is unethical. I think he is upset that he can’t try it.
I have a problem with the ethics of making a copy of a DVD before returning it. It is illegal. It does hurt the sales of the store, if you distribute it. It does hurt society, as it is the beginning of the slide down the slippery slope.
Ok as far as sick days goes you've said it's unethical but the only reason you're giving is that said person may get sick later and need their days…. the grasshopper didn't prepare for winter so he froze but i'm not sure that made him unethical. I think the story of not thinking ahead wasn't made for ethics but for preparation and forethought. Now lets skip down to the DVDs. I'm just not sure of all the things that lead to the downslide of humanity making a copy of a dvd isn't where it starts but you said it's illegal so that's why you have a problem with it…. which brings me back to the cop. It's illegal to run a stop sign or a red light or exceed the speed limit and plenty of other things someone can be pulled over for, so by the dvd logic that is unethical behavior. But acting in a sexual way in order to avoid punishment is acceptable?
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